Solar Energy in the Midwest

Posts tagged ‘energy savings’

Solar power advocates challenging proposed ‘standby’ charge by Dominion Virginia | The Republic

Solar power advocates challenging proposed ‘standby’ charge by Dominion Virginia | The Republic.

RICHMOND, Va. — Solar power advocates are challenging a residential charge proposed by Dominion Virginia Power they contend would create disincentives for a renewable energy source that is already lagging in the state.

The so-called standby charge would apply to large-scale residential solar customers when their thermal panels are not generating enough electricity, typically at night. The General Assembly approved legislation that allows the standby charge for residential solar generation systems ranging from 10 kilowatt hours to 20 kilowatt hours.

The State Corporation Commission is scheduled to hear the case Thursday. Regulators typically do not immediately rule on cases.

The Solar Industries Association, which represents the interests of manufacturers, installers and suppliers of solar systems, said Dominion’s proposal is flawed, would be punitive for the small number of Virginians who rely on solar power and would discourage further investments in the renewable energy source. To read full article click on title

New thermostat from the designers of iPod/iPad

Check this out! The next wave in home energy savings through a thermostat that learns your habits and preferences – Val, thanks again Matt!